Creating positive impact. Connecting with people.

"Knowing how to do it" and "passing it on" are two of our favourite topics.

Our lives are dominated by diverse systems: social, economic, and cultural, and we have learned to adapt and come to terms with them.

Adaptation and assimilation are essential skills, but not the only ones. Each person has a unique personality and gift profile, their own "fingerprint". This goes beyond what can be expressed in the systems we live in.

Pioneering spirit and


Discovering new territory involves exploring new possibilities and having the courage to accept mistakes as part of the process, turning every 'can't' into a 'hooray, it works'. Venturing into uncharted territory means expanding the scope of your mental limitations while developing a strong inner motivation that is infectious. This is the ethos of our company, and we aim to share this spirit.

Let's connect!

Konstantin A. Werner


Empowering connections, fostering collaboration, and shaping the future together. It's the spark that ignites progress, where minds meet, ideas flow, and action transforms.

Investing in positive experiences and being part of something meaningful brings purpose and satisfaction. Working together is essential to our identity.

It is not necessary to publicise everything, but living below your means should be avoided. Utilising our abilities and resources is beneficial. Avoiding self-centredness can lead to the creation of things greater than oneself.

Coaching. Training. Orientation.

Are you considering a career change and contemplating resignation, but unsure of your next logical step? As an employer, would you like to gain insight into the labour market and its development? Do you wish to align your department with current recruitment requirements and provide training and upskilling?

If so, please contact us, and we will find solutions.

Get in touch

Our Success-Stories

Nationally Recognized Premium Service Provider
Reorganizes its recruiting department
(2,500 employees and around 1.5 billion euros in turnover)

The sparkm 360 team analyses the current processes, carries out HR due diligence for the “Talent Action & Recruiting” area and successfully develops the new concept together with colleagues; the implementation is supported over 2 years — with workshops and training for individual needs by target group

The globally active SVP Finance is stuck in a
personal orientation phase fixed
(responsible for 100 colleagues worldwide)

Konstantin A. Werner discusses the challenges and priorities in joint sessions; through a healthy mix of reflection, advice and network, the person can realign the goals and reconcile their personal and professional systems much better and make successful decisions for the coming years